Finding the perfect place to live based on locational astrology can be challenging—and sometimes, it might even feel impossible. For each person, there's always going to be an area that stands out as better than others. I recently had a client who was told that Los Angeles wasn’t a good fit for her. But when I looked at her map, it didn’t seem terrible at all. Her relocated angles were in fixed signs, which can actually help stabilize major life areas. Sure, there was a Neptune line a few hundred miles away, but that’s not always a bad thing. It’s all about interpretation.

Having seen countless maps, relocated charts, and heard personal stories from so many people, I can tell you—I've heard it all. I do tend to avoid certain lines, depending on the angle they’re hitting in someone’s chart and what aspects that planet is making in their natal chart. But each person is unique. I might recommend one line area for someone and steer someone else completely away from it.

It gets even more complicated when I’m doing a reading for a family. While I don’t have a specific "Family Reading" option, I still have to read for each individual, and then figure out which area or areas will work best for everyone involved. You might find a place that’s great for two family members, but then it might be completely off, energetically, for the third. These are the dilemmas we face when making decisions, but that’s just part of family life when it comes to locational astrology. The good news is, it is possible to lessen a difficult energy by creating some distance for the person who might struggle with it. It’s also possible to help someone express an energy more consciously. I’ll usually give recommendations on how to do that.

But here’s the thing—I’m not a magician. I don’t wave a magic wand and find the perfect energetic place for you if it doesn’t exist. What I do is offer honest, thoughtful analysis. My job is to help you decipher your own energy on the globe, and if you’re searching for a place for your family, it’s important to be aware of what you might be subjecting yourself and your loved ones to in any given location.

If you’re interested in a family reading, I’d love to help you find the best locations for everyone involved. Feel free to reach out with the number of people you’d like included, and I can provide more details on what to expect and how much time (and cost) it will take to create a comprehensive analysis for your family.